Electronic products make use of everyone, but very rare people know about the components and the technology used in that product. The logic, Technology, and the components used in the product are different for different products, but every electronic products have the same basic components. Each component in electronic circuits has their own specific function to do. The function of circuit mainly depends on the design and layout, we use in the circuit. The components are very small in size, but the function they provide is fabulous.
The basic components of electronic circuits are
Resist the flow of current and maintain the flow of current in the circuit.
Capacitor stores the charge and discharges when no power supply to it.
Inductor is a passive component, it stores the charge in the form of magnetic field.
Integrated circuit or chip is very small in size its function is different for different purpose. It has pins and each assigned with a specific purpose like ground, reset, clock, enable, disable, ports, and some other functions depending on the application.
The technology uses in the electronic components are
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
VLSI is the technology where a group of IC is embedded in a single chip, this technology helps the engineers to design the product in a very compact and portable form. In this technology the main fact that needs to consider is the layout design. The perfect you design the layout the perfect and compact the device is and the other thing that needs to consider is wiring the circuit. Perfect grounding of the wiring is very vital in designing the circuit.
Embedded system
In an embedded system, it mainly concentrates on the real time response of the system and the real world. It will respond depending on the their functions like sensors, controllers and monitors.
Basic languages and software use in electronic products
In electronic products generally all the programs are written in c language because it’s the basic language for every person whether he/she knows C++, Java or any other high level language and for hardware design that is for VLSI technology, they make use of Verilog and VHDL language. In embedded system they make use of Keil software and for hardware design they make use of Xilinx and Spartan softwares.
Electrical devices are used in every area whether it’s an office or home like fridge, TV, DVD, Mobile, Kitchen appliances and all other products. Each and every product performs the different functions depending on the components and technology used in it. Thanks to technology and electrical engineers who used their mind in developing innovative ideas using the electrical components. Many companies are training the people for providing electrical services to the people in their local area like electrician Surry Hills. Work is still going on the technology and the electrical components to provide better services to the people and to make their lives with comfort and easy to perform tasks. Electrician Randwick is also the company where they hire the qualified electricians to provide all the electrical services and information.