It doesn’t matter, whether you’re saving the water to ultimately save the planet earth or simply to save some more money on your pocket – what really matters, you’ve taken the right decision. The clean water on earth is a scarcity these days and that’s why we certainly need more people like you! There are numerous ways that can help you to achieve your goal of reduced water bill and bets ones are enlisted for you on this page:
- Always keep one or two chilled bottles of water in your fridge ready, so you won’t have to run your tap every time you need a glass of cold water.
- Start using your microwave or stove to heat up the water for dishwashing purpose. Although, it can be a bit tricky and will take some time to be mastered, use your patience skill to learn the trick.
- You would have already heard about fixing leaks, but sometimes it might happens that your leaking faucet doesn’t make any sound and its hard to tell if its leaking or not. Hence, replacing these faucets every few years will be a more beneficial step towards saving money, especially if you’re living in an old property.
- You would have never guessed but using dishwasher is always a better idea than hand washing your dishes.
- Have you ever considered the idea of insulating your pipes? Yes, go ahead to visit a hardware store and take a piece of foam already cut in the shape of a pipe and fix it in your water pipes. It will keep your water hot for a longer period of time and will also heat it faster.
- Use your creativity to make a low pressure toilet. Fill one or rather two water bottles with sand or gravel and keep them in your flush tank. It will automatically raise the level of water in the tank and you will eventually be using less water per flush.
- If you’re also fed up of dull colours of your cloth and high bills for your water usage, using cold water is the key. Not only it will help you to retain the bright colours of your cloths, but will also help you to save water and energy and hence the reduced bills!
And, in the end you can always contact your water supplier at Northumbrian Water Contact Number to know more about such helpful tips and to confirm if they’re providing any freebies to help you conserve water.